Thursday, January 21, 2010

Computer From Time To Time

In fact the computer had been around since time immemorial. Initially created by the human, computer as a tool for calculating and processing data for.

1. First Generation Computer
At this early generation of computers still a simple calculator made from
grains arranged in a box. This early generation computers have been around 5000
years ago.

2. Second Generation Computer
This second generation machine developed since the second World War, the
development of computers in those days as a result of competition between the
countries involved world war to exploit the strategic potential of computers
owned for purposes of war.

In 1941 a German engineer who developed the Z3 computer that can be used to
design airplanes and missiles.

Allies developed in 1943 with the name of the Colossus computer which they use
to solve Germany's secret codes. In Colossus development can not grow, because
this tool can only be used to decode secret messages, and can not be used for
other activities.

In addition there are several types of first-generation computers were found:
a. The Harvard IBM Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator (Mark I)
Computer developed by Howard H. Aiken (an engineer from IBM) is working
with the U.S. Navy. This computer serves to perform complex calculations.
The weakness of this tool is to have a range of 500 miles along the cable
with a large half football fields.
b. Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC)
ENIAC merupakan hasil kerjasama antara Pemerintah Amerika dengan University
of Pennsylvania. This tool is a versatile computer first. However, this
tool has a very large engines and power consumption of 160 kWIAC)
3. Computer Generation Three
Discovery of the transistor in 1948 affected the development of a computer with
a sharp. Transistors replaced vacuum tubes used in electronic devices, and this
affects the size of the computer.

In the development of transistors began to use computers in early 1956, in
addition to the discovery of the transistor invention of magnetic core memory
also affects the speed of the computer so much better.

Originator of the third generation of IBM's super computer is used in the
development of atomic research as penimpan data.

In early 1960 began developing the third generation of computers is more
familiar in the community. Computers that grew during this period is a computer
that will develop into an existing computer at this time.

Programs are stored in the computer that was developed using a programming
language is also beginning development of the software industry.

4. Computer Generation of four
Transistor which is superior to vacuum tubes is not without its problems. The
most common problems encountered by computer is the heat released by the
transistor with a potentially damaging computer parts other ang.

Taking advantage of quartz stone, Jack Killby develop IC (integrated Circuit)
in 1958 pd. The IC combined three electronic components in a small silicon disc
made of quartz sand.

At its development the scientists added the other parts of IC, thus allowing a
smaller size.

The progress of other third-generation computers are using the operating system
operating system) that allows machines to run many different programs at once
with a central program that monitored and coordinated the computer's memory.

5. Computer Generation Five
IC development on a large scale public lets the computer use that had been
dominated by large companies.

In the mid-1970s, computer assemblers to offer their computer products to the
general public. These computers, called minikomputer, sold with the software
package that is easy to use by the layman. The software is most popular at the
time was word processing programs and spreadsheets. In the early 1980s, video
games like Atari 2600 to attract more home computers are sophisticated and can
be programmed.

In 1981, IBM introduced its Personal Computer (PC) for use in homes, offices,
and schools. Computers continued evolution towards smaller sizes, from
computers that are on the table (desktop computers) into a computer that can be
inserted into the bag (laptop), or even a handheld computer that can (palmtops).

At the present time, we know the way to the use of IBM compatible CPU: IBM
PC/486, Pentium, Pentium II, Pentium III, Pentium IV (series of CPUs made by
Intel). Also we know AMD K6, Athlon, etc.. This all went in the fifth
generation computer classes.


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