* ADSL (Asymetric Digital Subscriber Line)
A type of DSL where the upstream and downstream running at different speeds.
* ASP (Active Server Pages)
Is a specification for making dynamic Web pages using ActiveX script. When the
browser opens ASP pages, Web servers create pages with HTML code and send it to
the browser.
* Bandwidth
Quantity that indicates how much data can be passed in via a network connection.
* Banner
Is a medium of information in the form of image / images to the image ads on a
* Browser
Is an abbreviation for the term Web Browser. The browser is a program used to
access the World Wide Web (or Internet), and other facilities. We have a number
of popular browsers, like Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Opera, and
* Browsing
Is a direct search a particular book in a collection of books lined the shelves.
To be able to do this activity properly and quickly, the user must understand the
first systematic compilation of the library collection
* Chatting
Specific terms used to interact in chat programs.
* Client
Is a computer in charge of receiving data and information that have been
processed by the server that is needed by the user. Client usually controlled /
used by a user.
* Dial-Up
Is the type of internet connection by using the telephone network.
* Domain name
Is a special and unique name used for naming a web site on the internet.
* Download
Is the process of taking or transfer files from an Internet web site to the
storage media contained in the client computer used by the user.
* E-mail (electronic mail)
Is a program that was implemented in a computer network (including internet) used
by the user to send a message in written form (type) or images to other users
inside or outside the computer network. Users can also receive (receive e-mail),
return (reply e-mail), and forward (forwarding an e-mail) to another user
* Firewall
Computer security applications from hacking activity.
* Freeware
Applications can be downloaded and used free of charge.
* Googling
Conducting Search with Google Search engine.
* Hacker
Is an expert in the field of computers, the Internet in particular, where the
expertise can penetrate, destroy, and do things that are not desirable in a
computer network (including the internet). For example damage existing website,
which has been damaged in the program created by the webmaster, or administrator.
* Homepage
Is the home page or main page is displayed from a website on the internet, if the
user enters the site address on the WebBrowser.
* HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)
Is a computer language used to create a webpage page.
* Http: / / (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)
Code is written at the start site, to explain the WebBrowser program that
protocol (interface) that is used is http
* Intranet
Information resources that are used for internal purposes of an agency or company
using the existing computer networks.
Internet Service Provider, is the institution / agency / company that provides
Internet service provider networks.
* Plugin
Is a special program that can be added to the program which can help WebBrowser
WebBrowser to display animation, interaction programs, 3D object, a certain well.
* Phishing
Internet crime is deceiving his victims by creating a site similar to the
original to obtain the victim of personal data.
* Script
Is a set of commands that are arranged in a particular computer language (Java,
VisualBasic, CGI / Perl) to perform an interactive program or animation in a
* Search Engine
Is a program on the internet (certain websites) which is used to find specific
information needed by the user. For example: Yahoo, Lycos, Altavista, Excite and
* Server
Is a computer in charge of serving the division and processing information needed
by the Client. Servers usually controlled by an admin.
* Upload
Is the process of sending or transfer files from storage media contained in the
client computer used by a user to a web site on the internet.
* User
The user or users in a computer network (including Internet), interaction
programs, or electronic mail (e-mail).
* Virus
Is a hidden program that can 'bum' or 'free ride' on other programs found on the
Internet, or on electronic mail, which is very harmful and admin user, which can
damage the program any other program that is owned by the user on the computer,
and can also damage interaction programs on websites that are maintained by the
* WAP (Wireless Application Protocol)
Is a facility on mobile phones can be used to run certain applications that
connect to the Internet. With WAP you can use the Internet not only to receive
and send mobile phone, even for the calendar, schedule, and pictures.
* Web Browser
Computer program used to display the webpage. Example web browser: netscape
navigator, internet explorer, and others.
* Webmaster
A person who is responsible for creating and maintaining web sites in question.
* Web Page
Is a page that can be displayed on a website on the internet, which can display,
text, images, even sound, animation and video.
* Website
Is a collection of pages (webpages) that the start with front page (homepage)
which contains information, ads, and interaction programs.
* WWW (World Wide Web)
Is a term used in the internet for early
So posting from me, hopefully useful to your repertoire in the surf.
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